

Been a while since I have posted. Been keeping way busy lately. Beautiful wife had a baby girl. Lucienne Sofia is her name (the baby, that is, my wife's name is Chris). I am defending my dissertation on Wednesday. I'ma gonna be a doctor! A doctor I tells you.

At work I've been running around shouting, "I don't have to take this shit! I'm a doctor of folklore!"

Work Update:

Fat Luis finally got fired. He really was dealing drugs.

Cleveland in the kitchen got all up in my grill the other night. He was bumping my chest telling me he doesn't work for me. Actually, his grammar was off. He asked (or ax-ed, me as he would put it) "Do you work for me? Do you work for me?" I corrected his grammar and he clocked out and went home.

I've had innumerable insufferable customers lately. I will be glad when I am on the other side of the bar for good. Here's a random sampling:

1) Smelly old lady with the long cigarettes. She stayed there till after closing time and left a shitty tip. I gave her regular instead of decaf all night. Fuck her.

2) Steve the bald douchebag. He's a douchebag and he knows it. There is a special place in hell for people who claim to have bartended at one time and then leave a 15 cent tip. His 'friends' avoid him as well, they tell him the wrong nights when they are going to hang out.

3) Double Bloody Mary Man - Before you walk into a bar and order a topshelf double drink make sure you have money, dummy.

4) Co-workers who bitch about the two-drink minimum for employees, if you weren't so annoying when you drink there wouldn't be a minimum.

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