

Wierd Dreams

Here's a catalog of wierd dreams I have had in the past week:

-I am in Disney World and I met up with an old co-worker who insists on making out with me. "But we're both married! With children." We are on the old skyride (which Disney no longer has) and the chair starts rocking and I can't keep my balance. Then her kid bites me really really hard.

-I am an orthodontist specializing in vagina dentata (anyone who has Camille Paglia should be familiar with the term!). I get my glove stuck in one of my patients and my wife and I have to pull it out carefully yet forcefully

-I meet up with my old friends Ashton Kutcher and Michael Moore and proceed to punk Michael Moore. He gets his head stuck in a closing elevator and I capture it on film. "You are No Longer My Friend" he shouts to me. I reply, "you're a lot skinnier in person."
I am an orthodontist specializing in vagina dentata

Sounds like a GREAT concept for a short story...
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