

So it's been over six months since I have contributed anything to this blog. Six long months. That's what holding down two jobs and raising two and half kids will do to your spare time. I should be more diligent in updating this thing. I have to keep my fan happy.

New things in my life:

1)working fulltime at the bookstore. Oh yes, another delightful holiday season selling James Patterson and Mitch Albom crap to the chowdaheads. There was a lot of buzz about that new speculative fiction novel by the up-and-comer O. J. Simpson, but that sort of fell through the cracks. At least the new Pynchon drops tomorrow. I will be hiding in a corner devouring that instead of sorting the Nora Roberts by colour.

2) Still substitute teaching. I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I'm like a psychic vampire feeding off the energy of the young.

3) I knocked my wife up again. I just have to look at her funny and she becomes pregnant. If this one is spat out without flippers and a tailfin, then I'm getting the snip.

4) I have a new favorite beer: Haverhill Brewery's Leatherlips I.P.A. I don't particular know - nor care to know - what leatherlips are, but it's hoppy and tasty.

5)I, like always, am starting and subsequently abandoning new writing projects. If I could just finish one and maybe sell it. Maybe I can self-publish. Working in a bookstore I have come to despise the self-published book. First off, the covers always look cheap. Second, some are just damn kooky. Third, self-published authors are notorious for calling up bookstores, ordering their books and never picking them up. The store, since they cannot return these klunkers, are then obligated to shelve the book, where it will sit collecting dust until we throw it into the dollar bin. Fourth, I have met some people with self-published books, and some of them delude themselves into thinking they are real authors. It's sad.

6) We bought a new house (or at least half of a house: it's part of a duplex). Now I'm all into yard work and paying property taxes and all that shit. We're on a pond, but I really did not realize that until the leaves fell this fall and I could see the pond about ten feet into the woods. The GPS map in the car always showed a pond in our backyard, but I did not trust it. I guess I could have walked the ten feet into the woods, but I did not want to disturb the cute bunnies who live in our backyard. We also had some sort of animals tear into our pumpkins, which I have never seen before. It was orange carnage.

7) Did you see that Michael Richards meltdown on youtube? Whoah, that was not appropriate. I kind of give him the benefit of the doubt, and maybe he was trying to do some sort of Bill Hicks/Lenny Bruce dialogue on race and language. But, man, his delivery was way off. That was uncomfortable to watch. And I'm a big fan of the uncomfortable; to wit, my Office-mania.

CF, good to see you back. I'll give Nev a heads up.

I saw that Richards meltdown, and the thing that stood out for me is that after the outburst, when the hecklers were insulting him, he had no comebacks. It was really uncomfortable to watch, and I think it'll kill his standup "career" if nothing else...
I miss you, buddy. Good to see you bloggin' again!
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